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How Long Does It Take for an Order to Be Processed on OnlyLatest?

When you place an order on OnlyLatest, the processing time can vary based on several factors, including the seller’s handling time and the type of product purchased. Generally, here’s what you can expect:

After you complete your order, the seller is notified immediately and will begin preparing your item for shipment. Most sellers aim to process orders as quickly as possible, often within a few business days. However, the exact processing time can differ depending on the seller's specific policies and the nature of the item.

Once the seller has processed your order, you will receive a notification confirming that your item has been shipped, along with tracking information if applicable. This allows you to monitor your shipment until it arrives at your designated address.

If you have not received a notification after a few days or if you have questions about your order status, you can check your order history in your OnlyLatest account. This section provides the most up-to-date information on your order's processing and shipping status.

Should you have any concerns or require assistance, don’t hesitate to contact the seller directly through your order details or reach out to OnlyLatest's support team for help. We are committed to ensuring that your shopping experience is smooth and satisfactory.