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How does shipping work on Only Latest?

We believe in providing a seamless shipping experience for our sellers and buyers. Each seller on our platform has their own store and is responsible for handling shipping and fulfillment. Here's an overview of how shipping works on Only Latest:

Seller Responsibility: As a seller, you are responsible for managing the shipping process for your products. This includes packaging the items securely, choosing the appropriate shipping method, and coordinating with the chosen shipping carrier.

Shipping Options: You have the flexibility to choose from various shipping options based on your preferences and the needs of your customers. This can include standard shipping, expedited shipping, or any other shipping methods that align with your business model. You can also set your own shipping rates or offer free shipping, depending on your strategy.

Communication with Buyers: To ensure a smooth buying experience, it's important to maintain open communication with your customers. You can utilize our messaging system to provide shipping updates, address any concerns, or answer any questions related to the shipping process. This allows buyers to stay informed about their orders and provides them with peace of mind.

Customer Support: In case buyers have any issues or questions regarding shipping, they can reach out to you directly through the messaging system. It's important to provide prompt and helpful customer support to address their concerns and resolve any shipping-related issues.

We also understand the significance of assisting buyers and addressing their needs. If buyers have any inquiries, issues with orders, shipping concerns, or encounter any fraudulent transactions, our support team is available to provide assistance and resolve their concerns.

We encourage sellers to maintain clear and timely communication with buyers throughout the shipping process. By keeping buyers informed and providing excellent customer service, you can build trust and satisfaction among your customers.

If you have any further questions or need additional assistance regarding shipping or any other aspect of selling on Only Latest, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. We're here to support you and make your selling experience a success.